Monday, June 20, 2011

I'm so ready for this to be over.

It finally hit me the other day. Not that I'm moving out, not that I'm losing my name... but the finances. I have way more money going out than I do going in. It's getting me very stressed. I finally had a complete melt down and cried for about 6 hours straight. I just couldn't stop crying. But... It's better now :) my groom did a great job destressing me :)
I got my wedding programs done! Still other details to get done but hey... I'll take what I can get. And $34 for printing off all my programs? TAKE IT! Whoot! Whoot! Now... those dang ribbon wands. They WILL be the death of me. My toe tag will read, "cause of death: ribbons" Ugh. But hey... this saturday, I'm sitting down with my mom and a glue gun on saturday and I'm BUSTING THEM OUT!..... hopefully. :D
I'm also shopping for a blue ring for my right hand. It's sad.. but that's my something blue :) Oh well.. It'll end up having more meaning than just being a blue ring!
And wanna hear a secret? ...Groom... if you're reading... STOP! RIGHT NOW!! I'll find you... :|
anyway... I'm getting him a grooms cake! TOTALLY AWESOME too! And so help me, if anyone who read this, tells him.. I'll find YOU too! so, ZIP IT! :D hehe thanks :) It's going to be totally awesome :)
ok... I'm hot and tired...

Until next time...