Thursday, July 21, 2011

Life after the wedding.... the one that hasn't happened yet.

I love party planning. I really, really do. I know that over the years I've changed what I wanted to do...a lot. But... this is something I never SEARCHED for. It just kinda happened. I think it all started with planning my dinner party and helping my sister plan out parents 27th anniversary. Something about the stress, the hustle... it's fun :)
Maybe after awhile me and my groom can talk about me going to school for it or something. sounds weird but yes... there are SCHOOLS for that sorta thing!

On a different note, I'M GOING TO BE IN A WEDDING!! :) my soon-to-be sister-in-law!!! :) she asked me to be her matron-of-honor a few weeks ago and I EAGERLY said yes! :) I'm so excited :) There's at least 2 parties I get to plan!! :D hehehe YAYYYY!!! It'll be neat because their theme and venue and EVERYTHING is completely different from me and my grooms. She's already got A LOT of ideas and even bridesmaids dresses picked out! :) she's makin' me look bad! haha But, I'm extremely excited for her :) and to be in their wedding... I'm so stinkin' honored! :)

well, I just got a new android phone last night so I think I'm going to play with it. Ever since my mom, my aunt, and I made of list of everything we needed for the wedding and found out that it's not so bad... I've been relaxing quite a bit :)

Until next time...

Monday, June 20, 2011

I'm so ready for this to be over.

It finally hit me the other day. Not that I'm moving out, not that I'm losing my name... but the finances. I have way more money going out than I do going in. It's getting me very stressed. I finally had a complete melt down and cried for about 6 hours straight. I just couldn't stop crying. But... It's better now :) my groom did a great job destressing me :)
I got my wedding programs done! Still other details to get done but hey... I'll take what I can get. And $34 for printing off all my programs? TAKE IT! Whoot! Whoot! Now... those dang ribbon wands. They WILL be the death of me. My toe tag will read, "cause of death: ribbons" Ugh. But hey... this saturday, I'm sitting down with my mom and a glue gun on saturday and I'm BUSTING THEM OUT!..... hopefully. :D
I'm also shopping for a blue ring for my right hand. It's sad.. but that's my something blue :) Oh well.. It'll end up having more meaning than just being a blue ring!
And wanna hear a secret? ...Groom... if you're reading... STOP! RIGHT NOW!! I'll find you... :|
anyway... I'm getting him a grooms cake! TOTALLY AWESOME too! And so help me, if anyone who read this, tells him.. I'll find YOU too! so, ZIP IT! :D hehe thanks :) It's going to be totally awesome :)
ok... I'm hot and tired...

Until next time...

Monday, May 9, 2011


Has it really been that long? Wow- sorry everyone. Everyone? Who is everyone anyway? Am I writing all this in vain? oh well :)
Well- SO MUCH has changed!!! For starters...THE DATE! We're no longer getting married April 28, 2012. We're now getting married on... *drumroll*.... AUGUST 8TH, 2011!!! Yup yup.. a whole heck of a lot sooner than next April. 89 Days. Oh my gosh O_o .... 89 days. I'm down to double digits and I just left the 90's... holy.crap. But not only that... I bought my dress, which is opposite of what I originally thought I wanted, we've done massive amounts of flower shopping and have yet to settle on a florist, my bridesmaids and I are going dress shopping this weekend, I'm also going suit shopping with my groom and his mom, I bought my wedding shoes, we FINALLY got our contract with the photographer figured out, and we ordered our wedding invitations. :) We were going to make them ourselves but it was WAY too time consuming. So- we found a set we liked online, filled out all the information, and then ordered them :) They should be here any day now... They are seriously perfect.

Hm.. well, life has been kind of a mess lately. I was working 2 jobs, planning the wedding, planning my sisters baby shower, and then trying to spend time with my hunny and family. But, I quite 1 job, the baby shower is over, and my hunny and I still get to spend time together WHILE wedding planning. :)

It's been a rough 2 weeks, but I'm at least glad they are over. Now I can slow down and FOCUS. :) Yay!

Seriously.. 89 days??

Until next time...

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Our Story :)

I never would have thought that I'd be looking to an internet dating site for my future. But, I went for it.
Guy after guy, picture after picture, message after message. It wasn't working out. I had started to give up, knowing I only had a month left on my subscription. There was no way a WEBSITE was going to find me a boyfriend in a mere three months when I had been trying for YEARS. As a last resort, I sent my questions and information out to every single one of my matches. One fish took the bait.
After looking over his profile- I wasn't too impressed. Wasn't a reader, not too athletic, liked video games. Boom. Not interested. Video games was a huge negative. I was ready to write him off and move on to the next one or even just give up period and live my life alone in the same pessimistic outlook I had so fondly become friends with. Well, my mom convinced me to give him a shot. So, I did. The more we exchanged information, answered questions, and emailed, the more I realized how special of a person he is. With one last month to spare... we exchanged email addresses and facebook pages and phone numbers. That's when we started texting :) We emailed and texted for about a month until he asked me for a phone date :) Now, eharmony gives guidelines on how the first phone call, first date, all that should go. Phone calls shouldn't be very long- ten minutes tops, first dates should only be something casual in the daytime, in public. And only last 15 minutes. I guess, to take it slow. Well, we had our first phone call on June 9th. It lasted 3 hours. We never ran out of stuff to talk about. It just kept coming out. Which, is amazing because both of us hate talking on the phone. But it was completely different. I feel like I got to know him so well in those 3 short hours. At the end, he did the cutest thing ever and asked me out on a date for sunday. THAT sunday :) At 5:00 :) We were going to go to dinner and a movie. Much longer than 15 minutes :)
He brought me flowers, met my parents, opened all my doors. It was the greatest night of my life. I couldn't stop smiling. Especially when he asked to hold my hand :) AH! I remember feeling like such a little kid! After only a few weeks of talking, he asked me to my boyfriend. Such a great guy. How could I pass that up? July 17th. :)
Sometime in august, after meeting his family, that's when we said we loved each other. It sounds soon, but it didn't feel soon. We had BOTH felt like we've known each other for YEARS, not just 2 months. That's when the wedding planning started. All the way back in August :) And that's when it'll end.
I wouldn't have chosen a different way to meet the man of my dreams. It was perfect. Stressful at times. But still perfect. I love him so much :)
*HE* is why I'm doing this to myself, getting so stressed out over wedding plans. To make OUR day, our wedding, and our future as perfect as we can.

Until next time...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

I can do this.

This is going to be a short post..
I need to remind myself to stay away from stress. Get closer to a treadmill and run the stress away. Running really helps. It releases the tension that feasters in my shoulders. And running makes you thinner :)
Anyway. I didn't realize how much I had on my plate. I really need all your prayers :)

Until next time...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

I have no idea what to name this post

I really don't. I honestly don't even know what it'll be about. But, it's been awhile and I have the need to write. So, here we go.
Only 429 days left. Crazy! I feel like just yesterday we were in the 600's. Still no ring though. :\ Groom keeps telling me to plan for 12/31/2011 that way I'm not expecting it or I won't be disappointed. If he waits until 12/30/2011, I'm not going to be a happy camper.
That's the hardest part about this- waiting. It'd be so much easier if we'd just get engaged now, and married by November. Or even September. Either way- getting married NOW would be so much better than waiting another 429 days. Gah.

I rejoined the gym. I NEED to get in shape if I'm going to fit into a single digit wedding dress and if we're going somewhere tropical for the honeymoon. I refuse to qualify for Say Yes to the Dress- Big Bliss. Won't happen. I won't let it. So, I've been running more lately. Which feels great! I can't remember why I would ever want to stop. Such a stress relief.
THERE! that's what this will be about!! Stress on the wedding! SWEET!
ok ok, so... Groom and I have been talking and planning and figuring things out for the wedding since about August. About 2 months after we started dating. So, so far our whole dating relationship has been focused around our wedding. Most times we don't talk about it but 90% of the time I'm thinking about it. Or I'll bring something up or ask a question, something to that effect. So you can imagine that it's put a tad bit of stress on the 2 of us. While we're still getting to know each other better, we're also trying to plan our wedding- a day we've both thought about for years. Two different people with two different visions. It's rough. We've come REALLY far though! As we've been going through this we've kinda slowed up a little. We still have a lot of time so we don't HAVE to stress about it.
Ever watch Bridezillas? That's what stress can do to ya... I don't want to qualify for that show either :\

We're trying really hard to keep our heads on. And my groom-to-be is doing an amazing job at helping me maintain my sanity. Don't know what I'd do without that wonderful man :)

Until next time...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Visions and wishes

After reading a few chapters of my new party planning book, I'm so excited to get moving on different parties! :) But most of all- MY WEDDING!! After all, that's why I'm here.. writing about it :) Before ANYTHING can be any further mapped out, the vision needs pin pointed down between groom and I so we can feed off of that. The feel of the wedding, the smell of the wedding, the taste of it, everything. In the first chapter of David's book, he gives the best details on how to achieve not just a great party, but a party that people will remember and won't even realize how the details are effecting them. I keep telling groom that I want all of our guests to have a great time, I want them all to feel relaxed. I don't like recruiting the help of family or even family friends for the wedding because then it keeps them from sitting back, relaxing, and enjoying themselves. My vision of our wedding is pretty much like a huge dinner party with family and friends where everyone knows each other, everyone feels comfortable, everyone's laughing, having a great time, and it's the perfect time to celebrate me and my handsome groom :) hopefully he has the same vision :D hehe

So... there's been a huge struggle lately with a guest book. To have one, or not to have one. Well, we aren't. Groom still wants something that we can look back at and see who was there, which is fine- we're going to do the autograph picture frame. Which, would still be nice because it would be a great decoration for the house. Like this...
Not that picture though, I don't know who they are. It'd be nice have a different frame and a different matte, but those are hard to find. Maybe I can make one :) But I also had the idea to do wish jars. It's a fun way to make it a little more personal  between me and groom, and our guests :) Each table will have a decorated mason jar and each place setting will have a slip of paper and a sharpie to write down a wish or advice for us, as the newly weds :) Like this..
Maybe different decorations or paper but pretty much the same concept. After the wedding and honeymoon and after being settled into the house, we'll take those slips of paper, combine all the wishes and advice, put them on scrapbooking paper or even just type them out really pretty and use them as decorations throughout the house. That way we'll always see them, remember, them use them :) I thought that was pretty neat idea :) hehe
Sorry about the delay with posts (tiffany). I don't know why, but I've been feeling crazy stressed this past week. It might be party overload with my wedding, my sisters baby shower, the engagement party, and other parties I'm coming up with. the last few days away from it were kinda nice. I still talked wedding stuff. But it was nice leaving it at just that. Talk. Now that groom is letting us book more stuff and get in the action of wedding plans, it's a little easier to find an idea, go with it, and move on. I think the thinking of one idea over and over was what was stressing me out..never finding a solution. Thankfully, the ball is rolling!! :) WOO!!

Until next time...