Sunday, January 30, 2011

Seating and Pictures

Best Day Ever. Today, Matron-of-honor, Bride-to-be, and Groom-to-be ventured out to Zemple Shrine in Harriburg for the abc27 The Perfect Wedding Bridal Expo event. It was... amazing. They had a mock wedding, reception, a fashion show, and so many vendors. I can't even count how much stuff we signed up for. CRAZY amounts. And gift cards! Holy cow! So many bridal places were like, just GAVE money out. Well, not real money. but $50 off and $100 off. Like, really?? wow.. Awesome. We got so many handouts. Anyway, after the fashion show... well, during the fashion show we went back out to the vendors and check out a few more that we didn't hit and there was this Photographer. He had AMAZING work. After looking at the deals they had going on for that day it honestly seemed too good to be true. Which normally, it is. Well... groom and I debated it after looking at the papers and we decided we'd go for it! We were getting more than half off on an already good deal. The most we'd be losing is $20. Sounds good to me! After doing more research, the photographer we booked is like, the BEST. And he was the photographer at a wedding for a girl I went to college with. Pretty awesome stuff. It's hard to fake a face of someone you know.
I seriously can't wait. Knowing the wedding plans have gotten so far that we are BOOKING stuff... EEEEE!!!! :D
No picture for that. lol Sorry.

To switch things up a bit, groom and I have decided we like the idea of a SweetHeart Table for the reception. We have people in the wedding party that may want to sit with other family or dates or friends. Why force someone to sit by themselves when they could enjoy themselves with someone else. Hm. Anyway.. it almost seems to be a newer idea. Or at least an old idea coming back into the wedding circuit. I love it.
Isn't it sweet? It's just the bride and groom. Our first meal together :) I just love the idea! Plus, then we don't have to worry about people sitting by themselves. I know what it's like to rather be sitting someone else and hating the feeling of someone watching you eat. This way, that doesn't happen and the only person I eat with, is my new hubby :)

Lots of excitement from today. It has be so exhausted. After coming home from the expo all we did was talk about wedding plans. It seems like everything is snow balling. We're already trying to get in to the reception site this week so we can hopefully get that booked and the menu set. It'd be really great to keep the ball rolling. The sooner we get things booked- the less we have to stress about the closer to the date. Good stuff today :)

Until next time...


  1. Woohooo for photographers!!! :D

    I still think you should have reserved seating for the bridal party- just let their dates sit with them, too. But it's not my wedding, so do what you want ;)

  2. I never said I wasn't having reserved seating. Why does everyone keep thinking that I'm against it?!?!

  3. Ummm because every time you talk about the seating you say that you want your bridal party to sit wherever they want. That could be where the confusion is coming in ;P

    LOL... the word verification is buraoto. "I think you should serve buraotos at your wedding." Hahaha
